UT Southwestern Events Calendar

"Reducing Maternal Morbidity in Postpartum Hypertension Care"

presented by

Alisse Hauspurg, M.D.

Assistant Professor,  Departmentof Obstetrics and Gynecology

Alpert Medical School of Brown Univeristy, Providence, RI


Lecture Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:
1.    Develop an understanding of guideline-driven postpartum hypertension care.
2.    Evaluate key contributors to postpartum hypertension-related maternal morbidity and mortality.
3.    Develop and utilize innovative approaches to improve inpatient and outpatient management of postpartum hypertension and reduce 
racial disparities in hypertension care.
4.    Identify gaps in long-term care following a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy.

Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:
1.    Identify problems common to general Ob/Gyn practice; order appropriate diagnostic tests when indicated; improve patient outcomes.
2.    Identify conditions relevant to Ob/Gyn subspecialties and evaluate these conditions within the scope of general practice; place appropriate referrals; improve patient outcomes.
3.    Have a better understanding of the health care system and be able to function more efficiently within it.



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